REVOLUTIONARY ALL-IN-ONE SYSTEM - Our dip powders are fast to apply and odor free. It's revolutionary technology leaves the nail bed healthy and undamaged. Compared to traditional nail lacquer, gel polish, and traditional acrylic systems, it doesn't need a UV light to cure.

DURABILITY - The Salon Nail Pro has a long-lasting formula that can last up to 3 weeks. They outlast gel polish and are as durable as acrylics. The formula prevents your nails from thinning, peeling, or cracking which is caused by frequent direct nail polish.
LIGHTWEIGHT AND STRONG - The new revolutionary formula is super lightweight and stronger than hard gels and acrylics. It gives you the feeling of natural nails you’ve always wanted. 
SAFE AND EASY - It's formula consists of natural, non-toxin ingredients that are safe and healthy for your nails and skin. This prevents the occurrence of irritations or allergic reactions. Get those beautiful salon nails in just 1 minute! It includes all the needed accessories.


- 1x Base & Top (2IN1)
- 1x Activator
- 1x Brush Saver
- 1x Brush
- 1x Dipping Nail Powder
- Dipping Nail Powder: 10 mL
- Base & Top (2IN1): 15 mL
- Activator: 15 mL
- Brush Saver: 15 mL